| - FACT CHECK: Does This Video Show A Meteor Shower Happening In Broad Daylight?
A video shared on Instagram purportedly shows a meteor shower happening in broad daylight.
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Verdict: False
The meteor shower was created using Adobe After Effects software.
Fact Check:
In the video, what appear to be meteors streak across a clear blue sky. The caption claims the video, which has been viewed over 9,300 times, shows a “meteor shower caught in broad daylight.”
The video has also been shared on Facebook with similar claims about it depicting a real meteor shower. That is, however, incorrect. (RELATED: Does Sunlight Kill Coronavirus?)
Through a reverse image search of key frames, Check Your Fact found the video posted on Instagram and YouTube by the France-based user SouthLab. Both of these instances show the supposed meteors being superimposed into the footage using the computer software Adobe After Effects.
Neither of SouthLab’s posts claim that the video shows an actual meteor shower. The title of the YouTube video reads, “Making of VFX – Meteor shower [After Effects],” while the caption of SouthLab’s Instagram post says, “Meteor shower #meteor #sky #fx #specialeffects #aftereffects #art #3d #makingof #motiongraphics.”
Approximately 30 meteor showers visible to observers on Earth occur every year, according to NASA. Some very bright meteors, referred to as “fireballs,” can be seen in broad daylight, per the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department website.