| - Go to to consult AFP Agenda HONG KONG (AFPTV) - We plan to file the following videos: TBA indicates that times are to be announced, but coverage is confirmed. TBC indicates that coverage is to be confirmed. For all editorial requests, email or contact the appropriate regional video desk. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2020 + HIGHLIGHTS BEIJING (China): Shopping frenzy as China's online retailers hold 'Double 11' shopping festival TOKYO (Japan): Let it go! Japan PM declares war on ink stamp 'hanko' TUNIS (Tunisia): UN-brokered talks on Libya resume following ceasefire agreement + ASIA PACIFIC BEIJING (China): Taiwan affairs office regular press conference. SOURCE: CCTV - LIVE 0200 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW MORIGAON (India): Pobitora wildlife sanctuary in India's northeastern Assam, famed for its one-horned rhinoceroses, opens for tourists after six months virus shutdown SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0200 GMT SEREMBAN (Malaysia): Parents of Franco-Irish teen to testify in inquest into her death - SOURCE: FEDERAL COURT OF MALAYSIA - LIVE EXPECTED 0300GMT - LIVE 0300 GMT TOKYO (Japan): Let it go! Japan PM declares war on ink stamp 'hanko' - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0400 GMT MYANMAR: New species of primate discovered in Myanmar SOURCE: HANDOUT/German Primate Center (DPZ) - Leibniz Institute for Primate Research - FILE 0400 GMT BEIJING (China): Chinese Foreign Ministry regular briefing - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0700 GMT - EDIT ON MERIT BEIJING (China): China's online retailers hold 'Double 11' shopping festival - SOURCE: Alibaba RESTRICTIONS APPLY - EDIT 1000 GMT YANGON (Myanmar): Military-aligned USDP opposition party holds press conference following national election - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT1200 GMT + EUROPE BRUSSELS (Belgium): European Parliament plenary session - LIVE TBA .Start of the session - SOURCE: EBS - LIVE 1400 GMT - EDIT ON MERIT - LIVE 1400 GMT .EU Diplomacy chief Josep Borrell opening speech at the start of the debate on the outcome of the US election - SOURCE: EBS - EDIT ON MERIT - LIVE 1430 GMT PARIS (France): End of the torch's journey to commemorate the centenary of the Unknown Soldier - EDIT 0800 GMT PARIS (France): Ceremony commemorating the end of WWI SOURCE : AGENCY POOL - LIVE 0945 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW PARIS (France): French author Maurice Genevoix transferred to the Panthéon in Paris SOURCE : AFPTV - TBC ACCESS PENDING - LIVE 1700 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW BERLIN (Germany): A charity in Berlin provides support to Polish women wanting abortions - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0900 GMT BUDAPEST (Hungary): People react on first day of partial lockdown in Hungary - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1000 GMT ATHENS (Greece): Prime Minister Mitsotakis and Egypt's President Sisi hold joint press conference - SOURCE: ERT - LIVE 1030 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW BRUSSELS (Belgium): Press statement by Ursula von der Leyen on EU preparedness and response for health crises - SOURCE: EBS - LIVE 1100 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW PARIS (France): Interview with Catherine Bertrand, Bataclan survivor and victim of post-traumatic stress disorder - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1100 GMT PARIS (France): Report with the neighbours of the Saint-Denis building where the 13 November 2015 Bataclan attack terrorists lived and which was later destroyed by security forces - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1100 GMT PARIS (France): Refiling interview with David Fritz Goeppinger, Franco-Chilean survivor of the Bataclan - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1100 GMT YEREVAN (Armenia): Anti-government protest in Armenia's capital - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1200 GMT LONDON (United Kingdom): Boris Johnson answers Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) - SOURCE: PRU - EDIT ON MERIT - LIVE 1200 GMT STOCKHOLM (Sweden): Interview with the director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Andrea Ammon - SOURCE: AFPTV VIA ZOOM - EDIT 1200 GMT WARSAW (Poland): Far-right groups hold independence day car parade - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 1300 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW THE HAGUE (Netherlands): Rwandan genocide 'financier' Felicien Kabuga faces UN judges - SOURCE: IRMCT FEED - LIVE 1300 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW LIMOGES (France): Marcel Pinte, France's youngest Resistance fighter at the age of 6, honored on November 11th. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1700 GMT + MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA UNKNOWN (Undefined): Lebanon's Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah makes televised speech. SOURCE: AL MANAR (RESTRICTIONS APPLY) - LIVE TBA TUNIS (Tunisia): UN-brokered talks on Libya resume following ceasefire agreement - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE TBA - EDIT TO FOLLOW CAIRO (Egypt): With killer mummies and slick special effects, Netflix has launched its first Egyptian series, tapping into the country's rich cinematic history. Trailer. SOURCE: NETFLIX - EDIT 0100 GMT DOHA (Qatar): Qatar puts up 'for sale' sign with new investment visas - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0100 GMT RAMALLAH (Palestinian Territories): Funeral of Top Palestinian official Saeb Erekat - SOURCE: Palestine TV (RESTRICTIONS APPLY) - LIVE 0830 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW NAQURA (Lebanon): Lebanon and Israel hold latest round of maritime border talks in the Lebanese border town of Naqura. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1300 GMT JERICHO (Palestinian Territories): Funeral of Top Palestinian official Saeb Erekat - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE TBA DUBAI (United Arab Emirates): Tour of Dubai Miracle Garden, the world's largest natural flower garden SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1800 GMT + SUB SAHARAN AFRICA LUANDA (Angola): Opposition, rights groups hold anti-government protest - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 1600 GMT + NORTH AMERICA WASHINGTON: Sunrise at the White House as President Donald Trump refuses to concede election. SOURCE: ABC /US-NZ OUT- LIVE 1145 GMT - NO EDIT WASHINGTON, DC: President Trump is at the White House. Schedule TBA WILMINGTON, DELAWARE: President-elect Biden meets members of his transition team. Schedule TBA + LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN COCHABAMBA (Bolivia): Bolivia's Evo Morales expected to arrive in Cochabamba - LIVE TBA COCHABAMBA (Bolivia): Evo Morales expected to arrive in Cochabamba - SOURCE: AFPTV - TBC AWAITING ACCESS DETAILS LIVE, EDIT TBA + SPORT LAUSANNE (Switzerland): IOC President Thomas Bach holds virtual press conference after executive board meeting - SOURCE: IOC - LIVE 1630 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW SAINT-DENIS (France): Football/Friendly. France-Finland post-match presser - SOURCE: FFF - LIVE 2200 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW + FEATURES LIBOURNE (France): French hospitals, whether urban or rural, try to find space to treat COVID patients - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1000 GMT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2020 + ASIA PACIFIC HANOI (Vietnam): Vietnam hosts ASEAN summit online due to the pandemic .Opening ceremony of the 37th ASEAN summit - SOURCE: HOST BROADCASTER - LIVE 0100 GMT .Plenary session of the 37th ASEAN summit - SOURCE: HOST BROADCASTER - LIVE 0200 GMT .ASEAN-China Summit - SOURCE: HOST BROADCASTER - LIVE 0600 GMT .ASEAN - Japan Summit - SOURCE: HOST BROADCASTER - LIVE 0715 GMT .ASEAN-South Korea Summit - SOURCE: HOST BROADCASTER - LIVE 0845 GMT .ASEAN-India Summit - SOURCE: HOST BROADCASTER - LIVE 1045 GMT SEREMBAN (Malaysia): Parents of Franco-Irish teen to testify in inquest into her death - SOURCE: FEDERAL COURT OF MALAYSIA - LIVE EXPECTED 0300GMT - LIVE 0300 GMT KAWASAKI (Japan): Playstation 5 launch in a video game shop. SOURCE : AFPTV - EDIT 0500 GMT BEIJING (China): Chinese Foreign Ministry regular briefing - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0700 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW + EUROPE PONTOISE (France): Trial of the Pakistani imam of Villiers-le-Bel prosecuted for "apology for terrorism". SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1600 GMT PAU (France): Judgement of the Belgian anaesthetist accused of having caused the death of a patient in a state of intoxication. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1700 GMT MADRID (Spain): Spanish authorities give briefing on coronavirus - SOURCE: SPANISH HEALTH MINISTRY - EDIT ON MERIT - LIVE 1730 GMT + MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA DOHA (Qatar): UN rapporteur holds media briefing after issuing report on boycott of Qatar - SOURCE : AFPTV - EDIT 1400 GMT + SUB SAHARAN AFRICA DAKAR (Senegal): All schools reopen after months closing because of coronavirus epidemic - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 1000 GMT + SPORT SEOUL (South Korea): Customers receive pre-ordered Playstation 5 consoles from shops. SOURCE: AFPTV. EDIT: 1300 GMT - Customer receives Playstation 5 console from shop and unboxes and plays at home. EDIT 1300 GMT * SPORT : AFPTV Sport subscribers only Editorial contacts: Email: Europe (excluding France) desk: +44 207 776 2768 France desk: +33 1 40 41 81 17 Asia desk: +852 2829 6216 Middle East & North Africa desk: +357 22 391 450 Sub-Saharan Africa desk (Mon-Fri): +33 1 40 41 46 81 North America desk: +1 202 414 0664 Latin America desk: +598 2 900 5095 ext. 257 AFPTV LIVE MCR: +33 1 40 41 79 63