| - The European Commission on Wednesday launched a consultation aimed at improving conditions for those working through digital labour platforms, such as ride-hailing app drivers or delivery people. "It can offer increased flexibility, job opportunities and additional revenue, including for people who might find it more difficult to enter the traditional labour market," the commission said. "However, certain types of platform work are also associated with precarious working conditions, reflected in the lack of transparency and predictability of contractual arrangements, health and safety challenges, and insufficient access to social protection." The coronavirus pandemic has sped the development and use of apps offering a variety services -- like Uber or Deliveroo -- as consumers have turned online during lockdowns across the 27-nation bloc. The first phase of the EU initiative will see six weeks of consultations with trade unions and employer organisations about their views on improving working conditions. If labour and business representatives do not wish to enter negotiations on the issue, there will be a second round of consultations on possible measures the EU could take. If the two side still do not come to the table after that then the commission said it will "put forward an initiative by the end of the year". "We should make the most of the job-creating potential that comes with digital labour platforms, while ensuring dignity, respect and protection for the people that work through them," said Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights. Companies working in the sector are frequently accused of taking advantage of the self-employed status of workers to avoid covering social security payments and other benefits. The centre-left S&D group in the European Parliament called on Wednesday for these workers to be "recognised as employees with all the resulting rights in terms of remuneration, social protection, security and collective bargaining". "It is so easy, with one click on the phone to have a meal served at home, a car available, or a person to do the housework. But some people pay a very high price for this comfort," said MEP Elisabetta Gualmini. The EU estimates that one in ten people on the bloc's labour market have got work through digital platforms. aro/mad/del/dc/pvh