| - Will Joe pick up the phone? Will Donald accept the call? President Trump and his probable Democratic challenger Biden teased and squabbled yet again Monday over when and whether they will talk. The idea of the rivals exchanging advice on the coronavirus pandemic and making a show of civility for a divided, angst-ridden nation has been in the air for days. Last week, Trump said he'd "love to speak with" Biden, adding "I always found him to be a nice guy." On Thursday, Biden responded that he was "happy to hear he'll take my call." But if Republican Trump sat all weekend by the phone, he was left disappointed. "What ever happened to that phone call he told the Fake News he wanted to make to me?" Trump complained on Twitter. Gone was the "nice guy" description. The tone was back to Trump's default mode when it comes to Biden, whom he has relentlessly claimed to be losing his mental faculties, smeared with corruption allegations, and nicknamed "Sleepy Joe." Mocking Biden's suggestion that the Democrats may have to hold their nominating convention online if coronavirus remains a threat this summer, Trump insinuated that Biden was dodging having to appear in public. "Joe Biden wanted the date for the Democrat National Convention moved to a later time period. Now he wants a 'Virtual' Convention, one where he doesn't have to show up. Gee, I wonder why?" Trump tweeted. Hitting back on Twitter, Biden told Trump that whether the Democratic convention is safe to stage or not will "depend on you stepping up and doing what needs to be done to handle this pandemic." Despite the bickering, the two men still have each other's numbers. "Happy to discuss anytime," Biden said. sms/it