| - Who said what on day 10 at the French Open: "I'm probably forgetting a few." -- Tamara Zidansek when reeling off a list of top athletes to have emerged from Slovenia which has a population of only two million. "I wrote 'Meow' because that's how I talk. I use it a lot in my conversations. It's like a playful way. I'm, like, Meow, see you later. I just sometimes don't know what to even write on the camera. So I just came up with Meow." -- Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova on her choice of scribble on the courtside TV camera after her win over Elena Rybakina. "I'm nice to people but I'm not nice at all. When I'm on the court, I'm doing my job and I fight, and I want to kill my opponent." -- Pavlyuchenkova on her reputation for being too 'nice'. "Very rarely does anybody come in and all of a sudden perform his best at Grand Slams. Yes, we've seen Rafa do it, but Rafa is sometimes not human what he's achieved." -- Alexander Zverev on his wait for a Grand Slam title. "I was nervous in the morning. I was nervous yesterday night. It's complicated the first time when you're in a quarter-finals. When you want it so, so much, maybe sometimes it's a little bit too much." -- Spain's Paula Badosa, the clay court season's in-form player, after losing to 85th-ranked Tamara Zidansek in the quarter-finals. "Maria Sharapova never told me that it was great, but I'm guessing that they kept me at IMG, that she must have liked it. So I stayed there." -- Tom Hill, the coach of quarter-finalist Maria Sakkari, on how hitting with Maria Sharapova eventually paved the way for a coaching career. "Piotr is one of my closest friends on the tour. He texted me last night at 2:00 a.m., It's going to be a fun match. I was, like, Yeah." -- Hill on Piotr Sierzputowski, the coach of defending champion Iga Swiatek who meets Sakkari on Wednesday for a place in the semi-finals. "If I lose this match it's your fault." -- An angry Daniil Medvedev to the umpire in his match against Stefanos Tsitsipas. "A very millennial shot." -- Tsitsipas's description of the final point after smacking a backhand winner following Medvedev's underarm serve. afp