| - Go to to consult AFP Agenda HONG KONG (AFPTV) - We plan to file the following videos: TBA indicates that times are to be announced, but coverage is confirmed. TBC indicates that coverage is to be confirmed. For all editorial requests, email or contact the appropriate regional video desk. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2021 + HIGHLIGHTS RISHIKESH (India): At least 200 missing after breakaway glacier sends torrent down Indian river YANGON (Myanmar): Further protests expected across Myanmar a week after military coup QUITO (Ecuador): Ecuador holds first round of presidential elections + ASIA-PACIFIC YANGON (Myanmar): Anti-coup tattoos offered for free in Myanmar - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0500 GMT BEIJING (China): Chinese Foreign Ministry regular briefing - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT ON MERIT - LIVE 0700 GMT RISHIKESH (India): At least 200 missing after breakaway glacier sends torrent down Indian river - TIMES TBC PENDING ARRIVAL ON SITE- SOURCE: AFPTV- LIVE/EDIT YANGON (Myanmar): Further protests expected across Myanmar a week after military coup - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT REGULAR UPDATES + MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA JERUSALEM (Undefined): Binyamin Netanyahu arrives at court ahead of his trial for corruption - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0645 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW .Netanyahu in court to formally respond to corruption charges - SOURCE: POOL - LIVE 0700 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW .Netanyahu leaves court after appearing in court over corruption charges - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE TBA .Protests expected as Israel PM appears in court on corruption charges - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE, EDIT TBA TEHRAN (Iran): Iran Foreign ministry spokesman holds press conference - SOURCE: IRAN PRESS (RESTRICTIONS APPLY) - LIVE 0700 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW TEHRAN (Iran): Iran unveils its second Covid-19 vaccine (Razico) at the Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute - SOURCE: AFPTV (RESTRICTIONS APPLY) - EDIT 0900 GMT RAMALLAH (Palestinian Territories): Weekly Palestinian Authority cabinet meeting - COVERAGE ON MERIT - EDIT TBA CAIRO (Egypt): Inter-Palestinian talks between Hamas and Fatah - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT TBA + EUROPE SAINTES (France): Floods in south-west of France -- monitoring the situation in Charente-Maritime - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE TBA - EDIT TO FOLLOW VIENNA (Austria): Schools, museums and shops reopen - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE TBA .View from a shopping street - LIVE 0800 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW .Reactions from a hairdressers where clients must present a negative coronavirus test result - EDIT 1200 GMT PARIS (France): Due to heavy rains, the Seine is flooding - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0845 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW MELUN (France): French health minister Olivier Veran attends AstraZeneca vaccine injections for people under the age of 65 - SOURCE: BFMTV - LIVE 1000 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW PRAGUE (Czech Republic): Heavy snowfall paints Prague's historic centre white - EDIT 1300 GMT WAVRE (Belgium): Visit to GSK factory that will produce the Covid-19 CureVac vaccine - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1400 GMT BARCELONA (Spain): Evaluation of the Catalonian pro-independence movement ahead of regional elections - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1600 GMT BRUSSELS (Belgium): Start of the European Parliament plenary session - TBA .Start of session - SOURCE: EBS - EDIT ON MERIT - LIVE 1600 GMT .ECB President Christine Lagarde to present ECB's annual report - SOURCE: EBS - EDIT ON MERIT - LIVE 1620 GMT GENEVA (Switzerland): WHO virtual press conference on Covid-19 - SOURCE: WHO - LIVE 1600 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW MADRID (Spain): Spanish health authorities give press conference on Covid-19 - SOURCE: SPANISH HEALTH MINISTRY - EDIT ON MERIT - LIVE 1730 GMT ROME (Italy): Former ECB chief Mario Draghi holds second round of talks with parties on forming new Italian government. No major party. SOURCE: RAI - EDIT on merit - EDIT TBA + NORTH AMERICA WASHINGTON (United States): Beauty shot outside Congress on eve of Donald Trump's impeachment trial. SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 1300 GMT WASHINGTON (United States): Democratic supporters weigh-in on Trump's second impeachment trial. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1900 GMT WEST PALM BEACH (United States): Republican supporters weigh-in on Trump's second impeachment trial - EDIT 2100 GMT WASHINGTON (United States): Beauty shot outside Congress on eve of Donald Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate - LIVE 1300 GMT WASHINGTON (United States): White House task force holds Covid-19 briefing. SOURCE: HANDOUT - LIVE 1600 GMT LOS ANGELES (United States): Cold War Relics, including KGB Espionage Museum Collection, go up for auction. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 2100 GMT + LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN VIÑALES (Cuba): Lack of tourists forces hotel owners to turn to agriculture work during pandemic - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 0500 GMT QUITO (Ecuador): Scene from the streets of Quito after the first round of presidential elections - SOURCE: AFPTV LIVE 1200 GMT QUITO (Ecuador): Ecuadorians react to the results of the elections - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 1300 GMT MEXICO CITY (Mexico): President Obrador expected to return to giving his daily press conferences, after being sick with Covid-19 - SOURCE: AFPTV LIVE 1300 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW MEXICO CITY (Mexico): Malls in Mexican capital to re-open under restrictive measures - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 2000 GMT MEXICO CITY (Mexico): Mexicans flock to the streets to keep their businesses afloat - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 2100 GMT HANGA ROA (Chile): Easter Island begins vaccination campaign against Covid-19 - SOURCE: HANDOUT - TO BE CONFIRMED EDIT 2300 GMT BOGOTA (Colombia): Bogota reopens schools as restrictions in Colombia's capital lifted - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 2300 GMT + SPORT TAMPA (United States): Scene outside stadium after Super Bowl - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0300 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW MELBOURNE (Australia): After a troubled build-up, the Australian Open begins - Vox pops and general views - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0500 GMT MADRID (Spain): Football/Liga. Real Madrid-Getafe. Real Madrid pre-match training and presser - SOURCE: REAL MADRID TV - EDIT TBA DOHA (Qatar): Football/Club World Cup. Bayern Munich semi-final post-match presser - SOURCE: FIFA - EDIT 2300 GMT + FEATURES NOVI SAD (Serbia): Serbian sculptor Nikola Macura wanders through a dirty military junkyard, clicking old rifles, helmets and missiles and checking what they sound like -- as he aims to create musical instruments out of old weapons. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0200 GMT PARIS (France): The bird market on Paris's Île de la Cité is due to close soon - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1100 GMT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2021 + ASIA-PACIFIC JAKARTA (Indonesia): Expected publication of preliminary report on crash of Sriwijaya Air Boeing 737-500 by Indonesian National Transportation Safety Committee - LIVE AND EDIT - TBC AWAITING ACCESS, SOURCE AND TIMING - EDIT 0600 GMT BEIJING (China): Chinese Foreign Ministry regular briefing - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT ON MERIT - LIVE 0700 GMT YANGON (Myanmar): Monitoring after Myanmar's military staged coup and detained Aung San Suu Kyi - COVERAGE TBC PENDING ACCESS - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT REGULAR UPDATES + MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA IDLIB (Syria): Aerial footage of ancient ruins in Syria's Idlib - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0900 GMT DUBAI (United Arab Emirates): Ceremony at Burj Khalifa as UAE's Hope probe reaches Mars orbit - SOURCE: Mohammad bin Rashid Space Center - LIVE 1400 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW DUBAI (United Arab Emirates): Ceremony at Burj Khalifa as UAE's Hope probe reaches Mars orbit - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 1400 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW + EUROPE THE HAGUE (Netherlands): Central African Republic war crimes suspects Patrice Ngaissona and Alfred Yekatom go on trial at ICC - SOURCE: ICC FEED - DELAYED LIVE - LIVE 1000 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW PARIS (France): After the success of "dry January", even in the land of wine, the market for non-alcoholic drinks is booming. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1200 GMT ROME (Italy): Italia Viva delegation leaves after the meeting with former ECB chief Mario Draghi. SOURCE: RAI - LIVE 1200 GMT ROME (Italy): Fratelli d'Italia delegation leaves after the meeting with former ECB chief Mario Draghi. SOURCE: RAI - LIVE 1245 GMT ROME (Italy): Democratic party delegation leaves after the meeting with former ECB chief Mario Draghi. SOURCE: RAI - LIVE 1430 GMT ROME (Italy): Forza Italia delegation leaves after the meeting with former ECB chief Mario Draghi. SOURCE: RAI - LIVE 1515 GMT ROME (Italy): The League delegation leaves after the meeting with former ECB chief Mario Draghi. SOURCE: RAI - LIVE 1600 GMT ROME (Italy): Five stars movement delegation leaves after the meeting with former ECB chief Mario Draghi. SOURCE: RAI - LIVE 1645 GMT ROME (Italy): Former ECB chief Mario Draghi holds second round of talks with parties on forming new Italian government. SOURCE: Camera dei Deputati - EDIT 1830 GMT WARSAW (Poland): Visegrad Group leader summit - SOURCE AND DETAILS TO BE CONFIRMED - TBA + NORTH AMERICA WASHINGTON (United States): Beauty shot outside Congress before the start of Trump's impeachment trial - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0800 GMT WEST PALM BEACH (United States): Beauty shot outside Mar-a-Lago as Trump impeachment trial starts - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0830 GMT WASHINGTON (United States): Donald Trump's impeachment trial begins in the Senate - SOURCE: POOL - LIVE 1800 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW + LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN MEXICO CITY (Mexico): Mexican government reacts to Christie's auction of Mexican pre-Hispanic items in Paris - SOURCE: CEPROPIE EDIT 1800 GMT TBC NECOCLI (Colombia): African migrants travel across Colombia in search of the American Dream - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 2300 GMT + SPORT LOS ANGELES (United States): Transport safety board announces Kobe Bryant helicopter crash probe verdict - SOURCE: AFPTV - FILE 0100 GMT * SPORT: AFPTV Sport subscribers only Editorial contacts: Email: Europe (excluding France) desk: +44 207 776 2768 France desk: +33 1 40 41 79 40 Asia desk: +852 2829 6216 Middle East & North Africa desk: +357 22 391 450 Sub-Saharan Africa desk (Mon-Fri): +33 1 40 41 46 81 North America desk: +1 202 414 0664 Latin America desk: +598 2 900 5095 ext. 257 AFPTV LIVE MCR: +33 1 40 41 79 63