| - Wednesday's graphics: INDIA-CHINA: - Map showing clash between soldiers in the Galwan Valley on the border of India and China. 90 x 76 mm; 90 x 83 mm - Map of disputed Kashmir showing the areas administered by Pakistan, India and China. 90 x 88 mm HEALTH-VIRUS: - Updated daily, data as of 1100 and 1900 GMT: *World map: 90 x 67 mm *Tolls: 90 x 110 mm - China: Areas of Beijing placed in lockdown over fears of resurgent coronavirus. 90 x 59 mm - India: Daily cases and deaths. 90 x 98 mm - India-Pakistan: 135 x 100 mm - New Zealand: Reported cases and deaths from COVID-19. 90 x 95 mm - World: Rise of coronavirus deaths in selected countries. 90 x 132 mm - COVID-19 snapshots. 180 x 113 mm NKOREA-SKOREA: - The Inter-Korean liaison office. 90 x 131 mm - Map locating the Kaesong joint industrial zone. 90 x 64 mm; 45 x 85 mm US-NKOREA-DIPLOMACY: US and North Korea relations since June 12, 2018. 135 x 111 mm US-POLITICS-RACE: - Controversial methods used by the polce to restrain suspects: chokehold/submission hold. 135 x 66 mm - Example of the "use of force continuum", a recommended series of actions that guide US police in handling situations at hand, according to the National Institute of Justice (US Department of Justice). Using chokeholds is not mentioned in the recommended actions. 225 x 113 mm - Map showing state and local expenditures for policing per capita in each US state, using 2017 financial and population data from US Census. 135 x 100 mm - A selection of controversial statues of historical and political leaders that have been targeted by anti-racism protesters worldwide. 225 x 151 mm - Main race protests in the US since the 1960s. 180 x 145 mm - Socio-economic changes from 1968-2018: African Americans and white Americans compared. 135 x 108 mm NATO: NATO troops stationed in European countries. 180 x 125 mm FRANCE-UNREST: Map of Dijon. 45 x 62 mm PHILIPPINES-MEDIA: Profile of the editor of Philippine news outlet Rappler, convicted for cyber libel. 45 x 125 mm FRANCE-HISTORY: The birth of the French Resistance: General de Gaulle's call to resist Nazi occupation on June 18, 1940. 135 x 110 mm CLIMATE-ENERGY-RENEWABLES: Renewable investment by world region. 135 x 73 mm DRCONGO-EBOLA: Map of Ebola cases and deaths in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1976. 90 x 95 mm VIRUS-SCIENCE: - Susceptibility of children to COVID-19. 135 x 102 mm - The infrared thermometre. 135 x 82 mm BRITAIN-ECONOMY: Quarterly and monthly GDP since 2005. 90 x 123 mm. 135 x 82 mm ARGENTINA-DEBT: Argentine debt repayment schedule for June-Dec 2020 and for 2020-2117. 90 x 65 mm HEALTH-VIRUS-ECONOMY: Forecasts for world growth, with scenario for a second wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, according to the OECD. 135 x 68 mm HEALTH-VIRUS-TOURISM: - Map of top five tourist countries in Europe with dates for the reopening of borders. 90 x 88 mm - Top city destinations in the world, before the coronavirus pandemic, based on data by Euromonitor International. 180 x 185 mm - Top city destinations in Asia, Europe, Middle East/Africa, Americas, before the coronavirus pandemic. 4 graphics, each 180 x 185 mm each FBL-ENG-PR: - Points gained by the top 4 teams in the 2019/20 season, as of the suspension of the championship on March 13. 135 x 115 mm - English Premier League fixtures for the resumption of the competition after the coronavirus lockdown.45 x 170 mm - English Premier League standings ahead of the resumption of matches on Wednesday. 45 x 150 mm FBL-BRAZIL-MEXICO: Brazil and the 1970 World Cup. 135 x 119 mm NATO Monsoon Korea history World Health Organization Solar eclipse x 2 Air circulation in passenger planes Coronavirus: The R0 value explained Tests for coronavirus Soap and the coronavirus Homemade masks Masks for everybody Ventilator machines Hand gels What is a virus? Coronaviruses Coronavirus protection Coronavirus transmission How to wash hands correctly Paris: +33 1 40 41 77 75 Hong Kong: +852 2829 6295 afp