| - Details of bank vault floor plans, alarm systems and the security arrangements for Swedish authorities have been leaked online after a security company was hacked, local media reported Tuesday. A total of 19 gigabytes of information and around 38,000 files were stolen from security group Gunnebo by one or more hackers in August, according to newspaper Dagens Nyheter. Gunnebo CEO Stefan Syren would not confirm details of the hack for security reasons. But he told AFP: "This is a deplorable incident. We've been the target of a criminal network that have committed a very serious crime against Gunnebo." Dagens Nyheter reported that among the leaked documents were details of the security arrangements for the Swedish parliament and confidential plans of the Swedish Tax Agency's new office on the outskirts of Stockholm. Plans for bank vaults in at least two German banks were also leaked, while other documents showed the alarm systems and surveillance cameras at a branch of the SEB bank in Sweden, it added. Syren said they were actively going through the data and "as soon as we see something of concern we contact those customers". The company was working on improving its IT-security and the focus was to "work very closely with our customers and make sure that we together minimise the effects of the crime", he added. Headquartered in Sweden, Gunnebo is a multinational company with nuclear power plants, hospitals and airports among its international customers. The hack was reported to the Swedish Security Service in late August, but at the time the company was not aware whether data had been leaked. "We can only speculate on what the target of the attack was, but as we cannot rule out that it was an attempt at industrial espionage, it has been important to follow the regulations and we have therefore decided to inform Sapo," Syren said in a statement at the time. The company was later made aware of a letter published online saying the documents would be put online on September 24. The hacked documents have been circulating on the so-called "Dark Web" since late September. Speaking to AFP, Syren conceded that things had probably not been "handled 100 percent perfectly," but stressed that hacking was "a huge societal problem". "This is bigger than Gunnebo and we need to deal with it together," Syren said. Dagens Nyheter said hacking attacks based on extortion have hit many companies in recent times, in which criminals steal sensitive information and then demand a ransom not to leak the data online. Neighbouring Finland is currently dealing with an unprecedented hack after the private records of thousands of psychotherapy patients were stolen from the private healthcare company Vastaamo. The records were first used to try to blackmail the company but then emails demanding ransoms were sent directly to patients at the weekend. hdy/jll/jj