| - Who said what in sport this weekend: "You'd be more respected for owning a gun or shooting someone. It's a place where doing the wrong things gets you up there." -- South African cyclist Nic Dlamini who left behind life in a crime-ridden Cape Town township to ride in the Tour de France. "I want to be better as a tennis player and a person. I have reached a nice level of freedom, nothing fazes me at all anymore and I feel I have more to give the game." -- Australian star Nick Kyrgios ahead of Wimbledon. "It's odd to drive past my home every day on the way to Wimbledon." -- Britain's Johanna Konta on having to stay in a Wimbledon hotel bubble rather than her own home in London. On Sunday, she was forced to withdraw from the tournament and self-isolate after being classified as a close contact of a coronavirus case. "That's how it goes. Everyone's trying to screw you over in this sport." -- Mercedes driver Valtteri Bottas after a grid penalty for spinning in the pit lane at the Styrian Grand Prix. "I assume he's pretty busy. Playing with a girl probably would be some kind of a waste of time for him because, you know, he's much stronger and obviously he needs to play with some guys. I'm not bothering him, especially before Wimbledon." -- Former French Open champion Iga Swiatek on her hopes of practicing with Andy Murray at Wimbledon. "The boys are frustrated and angry, but I'd rather we go out like that kicking and screaming than laying off and doing nothing." -- Wales captain Gareth Bale after the 4-0 loss to Denmark in the last 16 of Euro 2020. "I like to feel being on grass. You can lay down, you can jump for the ball, you can sit on the grass. You don't need to sit on the chair. It's actually relaxing to be on the grass, especially when it's good weather, the sun is shining." -- Russia's Daniil Medvedev on the joys of Wimbledon. "I've had a big X on my back since '99, since I won the US Open." -- Serena Williams on the pressure of chasing a record-equalling 24th major at Wimbledon "It was a bit of a lonely race really. I was trying to keep up with those guys but, the speed they have - they've obviously made some big improvements. Impossible to keep up." -- Lewis Hamilton after finishing second to Max Verstappen at the Styrian Grand Prix. "I wish he could have been here and had a photo sad he's not here." -- Tour de France second stage winner Mathieu Van der Poel remembering his grandfather, French cycling icon, the late Raymond Poulidor who never pulled on the yellow jersey. "The moment changed the game and I feel responsible." -- Netherlands defender Matthijs de Ligt who was sent off as his team lost 2-0 to the Czech Republic in the last 16 of Euro 2020. afp