| - How people on Twitter reacted to reports of the death of NBA superstar Kobe Bryant on Sunday: "Just devastated to hear about #KobeBryant. An extraordinary athlete, and a genuinely kind, wonderful man. Sending love, prayers & compassion to his family. To his entire @NBA family as well." -- Oscar winning actress Reese Witherspoon "Heart going out to the Bryant family right now. RIP Kobe Bryant." -- US women's footballer and World Cup winner Megan Rapinoe "Kobe - you were a true inspiration to me as an athlete. I always admired your professionalism, drive and dedication. Our thoughts are with your loved ones. RIP." -- Tennis star Kim Clijsters "Like everyone, I'm stunned and saddened to hear the horrific news about Kobe Bryant. Thoughts are with his family and loved ones at this terribly sad time #RIPKobeBryant." -- Australian cricket legend Shane Warne "@kobebryant Gone much too soon, how devastating to hear of his passing, he gave joy to so many for so long - deep condolences to his family, his friends, his Laker family. RIP Kobe... #lifeistooshort." -- Tennis great Martina Navratilova "Heartbreaking news! Hard to fathom @kobebryant is gone. Just had their 4th child. 41 years old. #insane. RIP Kobe." -- Former US tennis star Tracy Austin "We miss you already Kobe." -- NFL Super Bowl winner Tom Brady "This is unreal." -- LPGA golfer Cheyenne Woods, the niece of Tiger Woods "I truly can't believe this. My heart is so heavy. Rest In Peace Kobe. What an unimaginable loss. All of my prayers to your loved ones." -- Former US Open tennis champion Sloane Stephens "Life is so precious man. I was a huge fan. RIP Mamba." -- US tennis player Mardy Fish "Kobe Bryant you're an angel. RIP to you legend. So kind and had time for everyone. The epitome of class and hard work. An Idol. Prayers to his family." -- US footballer Jozy Altidore "Hard to believe. RIP #KobeBryant #MambaMentality." -- US golfer Bryson DeChambeau "On behalf of myself, the players and staff at AS Roma, we join the rest of the sporting world in mourning the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant. Kobe was a true icon and our thoughts are now with his family and the families of all of the victims aboard that flight." -- Jim Pallotta, the owner of Italian football giants AS Roma "Shock right now. RIP KOBE." -- World golf number one Brooks Koepka "The moment you realise life ain't something to fuck with! If you feel something tell that person! If you miss someone tell that person.. you never know when your time is up!" -- Australian rugby union international Quade Cooper "I just found out 5 minutes ago and I still can't believe it... Another example of how fragile life is, let's enjoy it while we can. (And avoid helicopters until they are safer). DEP Kobe and the other 5 victims." -- Spain's former world motorcycling champion Jorge Lorenzo "LA has lost one of our true superstars. Stunning to hear about the tragic and untimely death of #KobeBryant My heart goes out to his family and all the fans who will feel this loss so deeply." -- Hollywood actress Tara Buck "Speechless and shocked!! REST IN HEAVEN MAMBA." -- German football international Kevin-Prince Boateng dj/dw