| - Features Editors: Paris: Kate Millar +33 1 4041 4636 Hong Kong: Liz Thomas +852 2829 6211 Twitter: @AFPfeature We are offering the following items: + 'Atrocious' child cancer ward reveals ills of Russian healthcare + China's farmers reap rich harvest through online apps + Low-cost prosthesis gives Brazil cancer survivor a new face Russia-healthcare-cancer-children,FEATURE MOSCOW Underfunding, corruption allegations, internal feuding, facilities in disrepair -- flaws revealed at a Moscow paediatric cancer ward have shone a harsh spotlight on the afflictions plaguing Russia's public healthcare system. 900 words by Victoria Loguinova-Yakovleva. Pictures by Alexander Nemenov and Dimitar Dilkoff. Video by Andrey Borodulin, Ekaterina Anisimova and Nikolay Korzhov China-poverty-economy-internet-lifestyle,FEATURE HENGZHANG, China Once a modest beekeeper, Ma Gongzuo has been driving a BMW since he started selling his honey using a technique increasingly popular with Chinese farmers: video clips that show the origins of his product and open a window onto rural life. The videos let increasingly discerning Chinese consumers see how the honey is made and have helped farmers like Ma out of poverty, which the ruling Communist party hopes to eradicate by 2020. 800 words by Ludovic Ehret. Pictures by Wang Zhao. Video by Matthew Knight Health-Brazil-science,FOCUS SAO PAULO Denise Vicentin looks in the mirror and bursts into tears. After losing her right eye and part of her jaw to cancer, the Brazilian woman is getting a new face thanks to a digitally-engineered prosthesis. 700 words and video by Johannes Myburgh. Pictures by Nelson Almeida and Miguel Schincariol afp