| - Reigning world 100m champion Christian Coleman could face suspension after revealing Tuesday he missed a drugs test last December. The US sprint star, who only narrowly avoided being banned last year after three violations of anti-doping "whereabouts" rules, revealed details of his latest missed test in a statement on Twitter. Coleman said he had unsuccessfully challenged an Athletics Integrity Unit finding that he missed a test on December 9 2019. "And now this might result in me being suspended from other filing failures that occurred well over a year ago at this point," Coleman said. Coleman's statement on Twitter was accompanied by what appeared to be a copy of his formal notification from the AIU of a missed test. If the missed case is confirmed, Coleman could face a suspension of up to two years, ruling him out of next year's Olympic Games in Tokyo. Coleman, 24, escaped suspension on a technicality ahead of last year's World Championships in Doha after it emerged he had committed three "whereabouts" failures in a 12-month period. Those offences were recorded on June 6, 2018, January 16, 2019 and April 26, 2019. However Coleman had successfully argued that the first missed case should have been backdated to the first day of the quarter -- April 1, 2018 -- meaning the three failures fell just outside the required 12-month period. But news that Coleman missed another meeting with testers in December means that his offences in January and April last year now come into play. Under World Anti-Doping Agency rules, any combination of three whereabouts failures -- either missing a test or failing to file paperwork on time -- within a 12-month period is deemed a doping offence punishable by a two-year suspension. rcw/gph