| - Czech drinkers who rank among the world's top consumers of alcohol are being challenged to put away the bottle next month as part of the Dry February alcohol awareness campaign, organisers said Thursday. "We're doing this to allow people to test their relationship to alcohol -- to see whether they have their intake under control or if they are being driven by alcohol," Josef Petr, head of the League of Open Men, an NGO focused on men's health, told reporters. Around a million people -- or nearly 10 percent of the population -- drink to excess, Petr said. He added he hoped this year's campaign would top last year's edition when an estimated half-million people took part. The World Health Organization ranked Czechs as the world's third most prolific drinkers in 2018, with average consumption of 14.4 litres (15.2 quarts) of pure alcohol per head, trailing only Moldova and Lithuania. Czechs have a long tradition of brewing beer and currently about 500 breweries are in operation in the EU member state. An average citizen guzzles a world record 143.3 litres of beer per year, or some 300 pints, according to the site. "Considering the extreme costs of excessive drinking, teaching about the risks of alcohol consumption is a priority for us," said Health Minister Adam Vojtech. He added the ministry was planning to keep raising tax on alcohol and regulate advertising presenting drinking as a common thing to curb the intake. Petr Harazin, the frontman of the popular Czech indie-rock band Nebe -- the public face of the campaign -- went on a three-month alcohol detox programme after struggling to stay sober last February. "My life took a U-turn," Harazin told reporters, adding that he had become a "teetotalling alcoholic" thanks to the campaign. "The campaign helps. It's definitely better to talk about your drinking habits than to keep mum and then take a tumble," he said. frj/mas