Italy, at their consoles rather than on the pitch, emerged the virtual champions of UEFA's eEuro-2020 on Sunday. The 'eNazionale' beat Serbia 3-1 in the best-of-five final, the decisive goal coming in the 90th minute of the fourth match from gamer Lorenzo Insigne. En route to e-glory Italy overcame one of the big favourites France 2-0 in the semi-finals but only after extra-time and penalties. With Euro 2020 postponed until next year due to the coronavirus pandemic UEFA marketing director Guy-Laurent Epstein said before the tournament got under way that the lockdown had been a boon for eSports. "We have seen an explosion of events over the past few months because it represents an alternative for sports fans," he told AFP. "And some of them have attracted significant audiences." dif/bpa/nr/dj