| - Who said what in sport this weekend: "That's the best thing. At least we don't drive into a blue army tonight. We'll try to delay it as long as we can." -- Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer after the 3-1 win at Aston Villa delayed Manchester City's Premier League title coronation. "If you are not happy with your wife and you start to already look for other ones, it's not going to improve the relationship." -- Mercedes F1 team principal Toto Wolff adamant that he is not casting around for a replacement driver for Valtteri Bottas. "You feel like you have blood on your hands, which is something I never thought I would feel in my life, but it never came to a point where I was feeling guilty. I was just feeling in shock like: I killed my friend, it's nobody's fault but it happened. It was a very creepy feeling." -- Formula 3 driver Juan Manuel Correa as he returned to the grand prix circuit 20 months after the accident that killed his friend Anthoine Hubert in Belgium. "I have grown as a person here, as a human being and as a player, too." -- Brazilian football star Neymar on penning a new contract with PSG "Who would have thought at the end of 2012 when we made the decision to partner, we'd be qualifying at 100. I feel humble and grateful - it's like my first!" -- Lewis Hamilton on claiming a 100th career pole position at the Spanish Grand Prix. He went on to win Sunday's race for his 98th career victory. "Very tired. This morning was not easy. But for whatever reason I just feel like the more weird things happen to me, the greater my resolve can be and today was a case of that." -- US Open golf champion Bryson DeChambeau after flying 1,000 miles home to Dallas between rounds of the US PGA Wells Fargo Classic in Charlotte, shocking himself by making the cut at Quail Hollow and having then to back track to the tournament. "Inter played on the wings of enthusiasm." -- Sampdoria coach Claudio Ranieri on Italian champions Inter Milan who beat his side 5-1 on Saturday. "None. I just won a Masters and there's none in German. As you see, the Germans really don't care." -- Alexander Zverev after winning the Madrid Open but finding out that there were no German reporters ready with questions in his native language at his post-final news conference. afp