| - Features Editors: Paris: Kate Millar +33 1 4041 4636 Hong Kong: Liz Thomas +852 2829 6211 Twitter: @AFPfeature AFP is today publishing a package on the crisis facing Asia's great rivers looking at how climate change, pollution, geopolitics, and chronic water mismanagement threaten the future of the waterways and the billions that rely on them. We are moving the following items: + Asia's Great Rivers: Climate crisis, pollution put billions at risk + The 97 kms between China and mastery of the Mekong + 'Everything is lost': Life on the edge of the Brahmaputra + Dispatches from the wettest place on earth + Hell and ice water: Glacier melt threatens Pakistan's future + China scrambles to clean up its sickly 'mother river' + River people: Life along Asia's key waterways Asia-environment-river -climate-conflict,FEATURE HONG KONG The year is 2100: The glaciers of the Hindu Kush Himalayas -- the world's 'Third Pole' -- are vanishing as the planet warms, the ice that once fed the great rivers of Asia is all but lost and with it much of the water needed to nurture and grow a continent. This apocalyptic vision is the continent's future if nothing is done to limit global warming, scientists and environmentalists warn. 1100 words by Liz Thomas. Pictures. Video Asia-environment-river-China-Laos-Thailand-diplomacy, FEATURE CHIANG KHONG, Thailand Ninety-seven kilometres of rocks in Thai territory stand between Beijing and control of the Mekong River, a mighty waterway that feeds millions as it threads down from the Tibetan plateau through five countries before emptying into the South China Sea. 1,400 words words by Aidan Jones. Photos by Lillian Suwanrumpha. Video by Sippachai Kunnuwong. Graphic Asia-environment-river-India-flood, FEATURE MAJULI ISLAND, India Once a vast river island in the heart of the Brahmpatura, now Majuli's days are numbered: Experts warn it may disappear entirely by 2040 as ever more violent flooding swells the river, wreaking havoc on the lives of those that live along its banks. 800 words by Abhaya SRIVASTAVA. Pictures by Diptendu Dutta. Video by Atish Patel. Graphic Asia environment river India climate,SCENE MEGHALAYA, India Every drop of rain water trickling down Tyllod Khongwir's rusty tin roof and into her house is collected -- even though she lives in one of the wettest places on earth. The widowed mother-of-eight lives in Meghalaya, a remote state in India's northeast, where heavy rainfall no longer equates to an abundance of water. 700 words by Abhaya SRIVASTAVA. Video by Atish Patel, Pictures by Diptendu Dutta. Graphic. Asia-environment-river-Pakistan-glacier,FEATURE SHISPER GLACIER, Pakistan The villagers of Hassanabad live in constant fear. Above them the vast Shisper glacier dominates the landscape: A river of jagged black ice moving towards them at as much as four metres per day. Climate change is causing most glaciers worldwide to shrink, but due to a meteorological anomaly this is one of a few in the Karakoram mountain range in northern Pakistan that are surging. This means hundreds of tonnes of ice and debris are pushing down the valley at ten times the normal rate or more, threatening the safety of the people and homes below. 900 words by AFP reporters. Pictures. File Video. Graphic Asia-environment-river-China-cancer-pollution, FEATURE HENAN, China Water has been a source of death as well as a source of life for a generation in Shenqiu country, a region fed by a tributary of China's heavily polluted Yangtze river and pockmarked with notorious "cancer villages". But artist-turned-environnmentalist Huo Yalun has been on a mission to change that, installing filters to purify groundwater in a bid to offer a safe alternative for ordinary people. 900 words by Poornima Weerasekara. Video by Pak Yiu. Photo by Greg Baker. Graphic afp