| - Wednesday's graphics: HEALTH-VIRUS: Updated at 1100 and 1900 GMT daily: *World map: 135 x 72 mm *Tolls: 90 x 103 mm - Selection of debunked claims about how to prevent, treat, and 'cure' COVID-19, according to AFP Fact Check. 180 x 101 mm - World: Countries with the largest number of daily cases of COVID-19 from March 25-31 and charts showing the daily new infections/deaths over the same period. 135 x 113 mm - World: Countries where infections are currently growing fastest. 90 x 77 mm - World: Countries with the most daily confirmed deaths by COVID-19 in March. 90 x 93 mm - HK/Singapore: Chart on the recent rise of confirmed cases. 135 x 82 mm - US: How confinement is affecting the spread of the new coronavirus in the Seattle region. 135 x 82 mm - US: Map of the US showing confirmed cases per state, with close-up on New York city and the north east. As of March 30. 135 x 70 mm - Spain: Daily confirmed coronavirus cases, deaths and recoveries in Spain. 45 x 70 mm HEALTH-VIRUS: - How the virus that causes COVID-19 is effective in attaching to human cells. 135 x 87 mm - Chart showing monthly commodity price indices and overall food price index from the UN Food and Agricultural Organization. 90 x 62 mm - Protective equipment used during the bubonic plague, Spanish flu and COVID-19. 135 x 107 mm - Protective equipment used during the bubonic plague, Spanish flu and COVID-19. 135 x 107 mm - Access to basic handwashing facilities (soap and water) at home in developing countries, surveyed by the WHO and UNICEF. 135 x 120 mm - Diagram showing a snorkelling mask modified to help coronavirus patients breathe. 90 x 85 mm - What is chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine? 90 x 91 mm - The science behind the main methods of testing for coronavirus. 135 x 91 mm - Chart showing doctors and nurses per 1,000 population in selected OECD countries and main partners. 135 x 92 mm - How a virus enters a living cell, replicates and spreads. 135 x 111 mm - Personal protective equipment. 45 x 117 mm - The elements that make up a coronavirus. 135 x 80 mm - Mental health considerations to cope with coronavirus recommended by the World Health Organization. 180 x 116 mm - Length of time the new coronavirus can survive outside the human body. 135 x 74 mm - How an artificial respirator works. 135 x 75 mm - Coronavirus glossary. 135 x 145 mm - Percentage of the population of selected African countries with access to soap and water to wash their hands. 90 x 90 mm CHINA-ECONOMY-MANUFACTURING: Chart showing China's purchasing managers' index. 45 x 73 mm VIRUS: - Revised OECD growth forecasts. 90 x 121 mm - The $2.2-trillion US rescue plan. 90 x 67 mm US-UNEMPLOYMENT: Weekly US unemployment claims since early 2019. 90 x 67 OLY: - Summer Olympics since 1896, competitions cancelled or postponed and upcoming competitions. 135 x 68 mm - History of the Summer Olympics. 90 x 150 mm Ventilator machines Hand gels What is a virus? Coronaviruses Coronavirus protection Coronavirus transmission How to wash hands correctly Medical isolation rooms Interest rates ECB virus ECB meeting virus Melting ice caps ocean rise The importance of ice shelves Paris: +33 1 40 41 77 75 Hong Kong: +852 2829 6295 afp