| - Who said what over the sporting weekend: "I only ever dreamed of being where I am today." -- Lewis Hamilton after winning a record-setting 92nd F1 race in Portugal. "I'm thinking of Michael today, I will forever have the utmost admiration and respect for you, it's truly been an honour to be mentioned in the same sentence as you." -- Hamilton on Twitter on Michael Schumacher whose record he has broken. "I said, how about mommy's going to be Elsa, and he said, no, I want to be Elsa, and I said, well, Elsa is a girl, and he said, well, I want to be Elsa." -- Tennis star Victoria Azarenka on her battle with son Leo over Halloween costumes themed on the Disney smash, "Frozen'. "Maybe one day you can explain how VAR works here in Spain. We've had five games in the league and VAR has only intervened against Barca." -- Barcelona coach Ronald Koeman after the 3-1 loss to Real Madrid "I mimed most of it, it is very strange hearing yourself sing." -- Ireland rugby captain Johnny Sexton on singing the national anthem in an empty stadium ahead of the Six Nations game against Italy in Dublin. "All we can do is pick up the pieces tomorrow. This is a game we want to bury deep underground and pour concrete over." -- Venlo coach Hans de Koning after his team's 13-0 defeat by Ajax in the Dutch football league. "She didn't want me to fight without father and I said this is my last fight - and I have given her my word." -- MMA world lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov announcing his shock retirement from the sport. "I'm very happy, but sorry my first goal in Serie A was against my brother." -- Roberto Insigne who scored for Benevento in the 2-1 Serie A loss to Napoli for whom big brother Lorenzo also scored. "It's 'Tayo GAY-gan Hart'." -- Website of Giro d'Italia winner Tao Geoghegan Hart offering help on how to pronounce the Londoner's tongue-twisting name "Randy's not used to having to run like that. Normally he's just trotting." -- Tampa Bay Rays manager Kevin Cash on Randy Arozarena's stumbling, scrambling, sliding score that gave the team victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers in game four of the World Series. dj/pb