South Africa's information regulator on Thursday said it was considering taking legal action over WhatsApp's plans to share user data with Facebook, after failing to reach an agreement in talks. The tech giant informed WhatsApp users earlier this year that they had to consent to a new data-use policy allowing it to share more private information with its parent company Facebook for advertising and e-commerce purposes. South Africa's regulator in March said that the new privacy policy violated the country's protection of personal information laws. It has since written to WhatsApp asking it to revise its privacy policy in South Africa to the standard used in the European Union (EU). In a statement on Thursday, the regulator said it has so far received "no agreement" from WhatsApp. "Under the circumstances the regulator is briefing attorneys to prepare an opinion on the way forward in terms of litigation," it said. The messaging colossus had been set to enforce its new data-sharing policy on May 15 -- already delayed in response to a user outcry. But it recently said it would not immediately cut off users who don't accept the new terms, although it would send reminders to those who don't opt in. sn/tgb