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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 + HIGHLIGHTS MAKASSAR (Indonesia): 'Superheroes' on Indonesian streets to raise awareness about coronavirus EDIT NEW DELHI (India): Air pollution levels plummet in New Delhi following virus lockdown EDIT EILAT (Israel): Israel's Red Sea resort 'paralysed' by virus lockdown EDIT + ASIA PACIFIC WELLINGTON (New Zealand): New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern holds press briefing SOURCE: Jacinda Ardern Facebook account - LIVE 0100 GMT MAKASSAR (Indonesia): 'Superheroes' on Indonesian streets to raise awareness about coronavirus ( SOURCE: AFPTV) - EDIT 0230 GMT SRAGEN (Indonesia): A local leader in Indonesia has provided a "haunted house" as quarantine place following an influx of people to the area after lockdowns in the capital Jakarta and other major cities. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0400 GMT SINGAPORE: Singaporeans queue for haircuts after the city state extended its state of semi-lockdown and declared salons and places selling dessert and bubble tea non-essential businesses. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0400 GMT NEW DELHI (India): Live views from India's capital New Delhi as coronavirus lockdown continues. SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0530 GMT NEW DELHI (India): Air pollution levels plummet in New Delhi following virus lockdown. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0930 GMT BEIJING (China): National Health Commission daily briefing. SOURCE: CCTV - LIVE 0700 GMT BEIJING (China): China Ministry of Foreign Affairs daily briefing. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0800 GMT TAIPEI (Taiwan): Taipei 101 Tower lit up for Earth Day SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1500 GMT + EUROPE ISTANBUL (Turkey): Closed to mass prayers, Turkey mosque turns into supermarket. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0300 GMT KIEV (Ukraine): Business in time of corona: Ukrainian startup thrives during quarantine SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0500 GMT PARIS (France): Images of deserted Paris during coronavirus lockdown. View of Les Halles neighbourhood - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0650 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW PARIS (France): Onboard camera captures each Paris arrondissement as coronavirus shuts down the French capital. Episode 2: Tour of the central 2nd arrondissement - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0800 GMT LUDRES (France): Report from a Veolia waste management facility that handles hazardous medical waste. - EDIT 0900 GMT NOUMEA (France): Report from New Caledonia, where coronavirus confinement measures are gradually being lifted - EDIT 0900 GMT PARIS (France): Images of deserted Paris during coronavirus lockdown. View of Grands Boulevards neighbourhood - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 1050 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW PARIS (France): Parisians join in nightly round of applause for healthcare workers - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 1750 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW MADRID (Spain): Coronavirus: Spanish Congress debates state of emergency extension . SOURCE: Spanish Congress - NO RESALE - LIVE 0700 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW BERLIN (Germany): Views of shops reopening as Germany eases COVID-19 curbs - SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0900 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW MADRID (Spain): Spanish authorities give daily briefing on coronavirus - SOURCE: PALACIO DE LA MONCLOA - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE 0930 GMT BRUSSELS (Belgium): Online press conference following the video conference with EU foreign ministers - SOURCE EBS - LIVE 1000 GMT PARIS (France): Weekly press briefing after French cabinet meeting SOURCE : AFPTV - LIVE 1000 GMT PARIS (France): Weekly press briefing after French cabinet meeting - SOURCE : AGENCY POOL - LIVE 1100 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW LONDON (United Kingdom): Scene outside Parliament as MPs attend via video link for first time. SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 1030 GMT LONDON (United Kingdom): Prime Minister's Questions, with some MPs attending via video link for first time. SOURCE: PRU - LIVE 1100 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW BRUSSELS (Belgium): A medical bus tour nursing homes to test residents to COVID-19 infection. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1200 GMT BORDEAUX (France): Local authorities provide meals delivered to seniors forced to stay home and at-risk individual gets a daily phone call - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1200 GMT PARIS (France): French Government answers lawmakers' questions as Parliament meets in "restricted format" due to coronavirus - SOURCE: Sénat - LIVE 1300 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW CLÉDER (France): French president Emmanuel Macron's visits a farm and a supermarket in order to pay tribute to the work of farmers and distributors since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis - SOURCE AND COVERAGE YET TO BE DETERMINED - LIVE 1330 GMT TBC - EDIT TO FOLLOW JASENOVAC (Croatia): Croatia commemorates victims of Jasenovac, the "Croatian Auschwitz", notorious WWII death camp - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 1400 GMT BRUSSELS (Belgium): EU institutions during lockdown, on the eve of EU Summit - EDIT 1400 GMT MOSCOW (Russia): Communists lay flowers at mausoleum on Red square for 150th anniversary of Lenin's birth SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1400 GMT LONDON (United Kingdom): Olympia London exhibition centre converted into foodbank distribution hub - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1400 GMT CREMONA (Italy): Often forgotten, hospital cleaning workers are on the frontline of the coronavirus pandemic. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1400 GMT GENEVA (Switzerland): WHO briefing on coronavirus - SOURCE: WHO - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE 1500 GMT DUBLIN (Ireland): Artist creates coronavirus graffiti murals urging Irish to 'stay home' - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1500 GMT STOCKHOLM (Sweden): Testing for the COVID-19 takes place in a tent outside a hospital in Stockholm. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1500 GMT PARIS (France): French health ministry update on coronavirus - SOURCE: FRENCH HEALTH MINISTRY - SUBJECT TO LAST MINUTE CANCELLATION BY MINISTRY - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE 1715 GMT LONDON (United Kingdom): Downing Street daily coronavirus briefing - SOURCE: UK POOL - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE 1600 GMT BRUSSELS (Belgium): Online press conference by Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, following the video conference with the EU Foreign Affairs Ministers - SOURCE: EBS - LIVE 1630 GMT COPENHAGEN (Denmark): More residents on the streets of Copenhagen with fine weather in the Danish capital - 1700 GMT PARIS (France): French health ministry update on coronavirus SOURCE : FRENCH HEALTH MINISTRY - SUBJECT TO LAST MINUTE CANCELLATION BY MINISTRY - LIVE 1715 GMT + MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA RIYADH (Saudi Arabia): G20 Trade and Investment ministers hold video-conference on virus fight - SOURCE: G20 OR SAUDI TV (RESTRICTIONS APPLY) - LIVE AND EDIT TBC AWAITING AUTHORITIES CONFIRMATION - LIVE TBC - EDIT TO FOLLOW DUBAI (United Arab Emirates): No last goodbye for Gulf migrant workers lost to pandemic - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0100 GMT ABU DHABI (United Arab Emirates): UAE Official Health Sector Spokesperson, Dr. Farida Al Hosani, holds press conference on COVID-19 pandemic - SOURCE ABU DHABI TV (RESTRICTIONS APPLY) - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE 1300 GMT EILAT (Israel): Israel's Red Sea resort 'paralysed' by virus lockdown - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0100 GMT UNKNOWN (Lebanon): Hezbollah chief makes televised address ahead of Ramadan - SOURCE: AL-MANAR (RESTRICTIONS APPLY) - LIVE 1730 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW + SUB SAHARAN AFRICA KINSHASA (DR Congo): In DRCongo, some turn to traditional medecine to fight COVID-19 - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 1200 GMT + NORTH AMERICA NEW YORK (United States): Coronavirus takes mental toll on US population. - EDIT 0500 GMT SIOUX FALLS (United States): Over 500 employees in a meat-packing plant have been infected with the coronavirus, in a state, South Dakota that did not shutdown. SOURCE : AFPTV - EDIT 1300 GMT ALBANY (United States): Governor Cuomo holds daily COVID-19 briefing. SOURCE: HANDOUT/TIMING TO BE CONFIRMED BY CUOMO'S OFFICE - LIVE 1500 GMT LOS ANGELES (United States): "Open California" rally, people asking for 'stay at home' order to be stopped. SOURCE : AFPTV - LIVE 1900 GMT MIAMI (United States): A laid-off chef and a jobless uber driver fight unemployment by cooking homemade Venezuelan delicacies then deliver them. SOURCE : AFPTV - EDIT 2000 GMT NUTLEY: AFPTV meets Health workers who have to live in camping cars to protect their families. - EDIT 2000 GMT WASHINGTON (United States): Coronavirus task force holds daily briefing at the White House. SOURCE : AFPTV - LIVE 2100 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW LONG BEACH (United States): Food distribution for Port truck drivers impacted by covid-19 crisis. SOURCE : AFPTV - EDIT 2200 GMT NEW YORK (United States): Musician offers a balcony concert in his neighborhood - LIVE 2300 GMT + LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN SAO PAULO (Brazil): Medical teams work on the front line in the intensive care unit at Sao Paulo's Institute of Infectologia Emilio Ribas - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 0500 GMT MANAUS (Brazil): Capital of Amazonas State faces a boom of COVID-19 cases with health services and cemeteries overwhelmed - EDIT 1500 GMT LA MARQUESA (Mexico): La Marquesa was the place where people used to spend their Sundays, now it has become a ghost area because of the coronavirus - SOURCE AFPTV EDIT 2300 GMT + FEATURES GUAYAQUIL (Ecuador): The fear of giving birth in Guayaquil, a city decimated by the pandemic - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 0500 GMT THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2020 + ASIA PACIFIC BEIJING (China): China Ministry of Foreign Affairs daily briefing. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 0800 GMT + EUROPE KOBLENZ (Germany): Trial opens in Germany over state-sponsored torture in Syria, in the first such legal proceeding in the world - SOURCE: POOL, TIMING TO BE CONFIRMED - TAPE TURN - LIVE TBA - EDIT TO FOLLOW BRUSSELS (Belgium): EU leaders hold videoconference on virus economic impact SOURCE: EBS - LIVE TBA KEMPEN (Germany): Students of graduating classes can go back to school in the state of North Rhine Westphalia after Germany decides to ease COVID-19 curbs - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT TBA ISTANBUL (Turkey): People are allowed to go shopping in the morning on the firsts two days as four day curfew is set to begin. SOURCE: AFPTV - LIVE 0800 GMT - EDIT TO FOLLOW MADRID (Spain): Spanish authorities give daily briefing on coronavirus - SOURCE: PALACIO DE LA MONCLOA - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE 0930 GMT ANKARA (Turkey): April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day celebrations adjusted amid pandemic. - EDIT 1000 GMT COPENHAGEN (Denmark): Weekly online press briefing with the WHO's Dr Hans Kluge - 1100 GMT TBC ROME (Italy): Civil Protection Agency holds press conference on coronavirus - SOURCE: POOL - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE 1600 GMT LONDON (United Kingdom): Downing Street daily coronavirus briefing - SOURCE: UK POOL - EDIT TO FOLLOW - LIVE 1600 GMT PARIS (France): French health ministry update on coronavirus SOURCE : FRENCH HEALTH MINISTRY - SUBJECT TO LAST MINUTE CANCELLATION BY MINISTRY - LIVE 1715 GMT PARIS (France): French health ministry update on coronavirus SOURCE : FRENCH HEALTH MINISTRY - SUBJECT TO LAST MINUTE CANCELLATION BY MINISTRY - LIVE 1715 GMT BERGAMO (Italy): Beginning of serological tests in Lombardy region. SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 1800 GMT YEREVAN (Armenia): Armenians turn off lights to commemorate genocide after ceremonies cancelled amid Covid-19 pandemic - SOURCE: AFPTV - EDIT 2200 GMT + MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA RIYADH (Saudi Arabia): G20 labour ministers hold video-conference on virus fight - SOURCE: G20 OR SAUDI TV (RESTRICTIONS APPLY) - LIVE AND EDIT TBC AWAITING AUTHORITIES CONFIRMATION - LIVE, EDIT TBC + NORTH AMERICA NEW YORK (United States): Musician offers a balcony concert in his neighborhood - EDIT 0000 GMT PINE RIDGE: In an Indian reservation, one of the poorest communities in the United States, the coronavirus pandemic is hitting hard residents who have limited access to health and food services. Source AFPTV - EDIT 1300 GMT + LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN CHILE: Referendum to change the country's military dictatorship-era constitution - LIVE TBA - EDIT TO FOLLOW BOGOTA (Colombia): Threatened and displaced, Colombia's indigenous people face an invisible enemy: the COVID-19 - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 0500 GMT GUATEMALA CITY (Guatemala): Guatemala's Bohemian Bar, shut down due to the coronavirus, becomes a soup kitchen for the poor - SOURCE AFPTV EDIT 0500 GMT LA PAZ (Bolivia): Residents organize to bring food to the elderly during the quarantine amid COVID-19 outbreak - SOURCE: AFPTV EDIT 2330 GMT + SPORT FRANKFURT AM MAIN (Germany): Football/Bundesliga. German football league (DFL) to decide on when Bundesliga play can resume - AWAITING CONFIRMATION OF ACCESS AND TIME - SOURCE: DFL - LIVE, EDIT - LIVE TBA + FEATURES RIO DE JANEIRO (Brazil): A 12-year-old girl in a favela received more than 18.000 books to open a library - SOURCE AFPTV EDIT 0500 GMT * SPORT : AFPTV Sport subscribers only Editorial contacts: Email: Europe (excluding France) desk: +44 207 776 2768 France desk: +33 1 40 41 81 17 Asia desk: +852 2829 6279 Middle East & North Africa desk: +357 22 391 450 Sub-Saharan Africa desk (Mon-Fri): +33 1 40 41 46 81 North America desk: +1 202 414 0664 Latin America desk: +598 2 900 5095 ext. 257 AFPTV LIVE MCR: +33 1 40 41 79 63