Developers of one of the most anticipated games of the year -- "Cyberpunk 2077" -- said they were delaying its release by two months to fix bugs. The role-playing game had been due to come out on September 17 but will now be released on November 19, Polish company CD Projekt said Thursday. The company said the game, in which players assume the role of a mercenary in dystopian Night City, was finished "both content and gameplay-wise". But it added: "We need to properly go through everything, balance game mechanics and fix a lot of bugs. "A huge world means a huge number of things to iron out and we will spend the additional time doing exactly that," the Warsaw-based company said. Poland has made a name for itself in the industry, with hits like "The Witcher" also by CD Projekt. The release of "Cyberpunk 2077" has topped global rankings for most wanted game of the year. The game features a character modelled on the looks, voice and body motion of Hollywood actor Keanu Reeves, who starred in the "Matrix" and "John Wick" films. bo/dt/txw