AFP Videographics advisory on Friday: IRAN MISSILES RANGE 1 Videographic showing the range of Iran's missiles. Includes missile launch sites. 3D MOTION VIDEOGRAPHIC IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH. INTERNATIONAL VERSION AVAILABLE. ORIGINAL Also: BLACK BOXES PLANE CRASH IRAN MISSILES RANGE 2 Videographic showing the range of Iran's missiles. Includes various missile types. IRAN-IRAQ-US-UNREST 3D MOTION VIDEOGRAPHIC IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH. INTERNATIONAL VERSION AVAILABLE. REISSUE, UPDATED IRAN MISSILES LOCATOR Videographic locating military bases in Iraq used by US forces that were struck by Iranian missiles. IRAN-IRAQ-US-UNREST 3D MOTION VIDEOGRAPHIC IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH. INTERNATIONAL VERSION AVAILABLE. ORIGINAL Also still available: URANIUM ENRICHMENT IRAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT US GULF MILITARY MAP AUTONOMOUS CARS LAS VEGAS SHOW Videographic looking at autonomous cars. CES tech show, Las Vegas: as cars evolve into rolling mobile computers, the potential for disastrous cyber attacks has become a new road hazard. US-IT-LIFESTYLE-CES 3D MOTION VIDEOGRAPHIC IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH. INTERNATIONAL VERSION AVAILABLE. REISSUE Also available: HACKING 5G MOBILE NETWORK ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE THE IMPORTANCE OF DAMS Videographic on dams. AFP is today publishing a package on the crisis facing Asia's great rivers, looking at how climate change, pollution, geopolitics, and chronic water mismanagement threaten the future of the waterways and the billions that rely on them. ASIA-ENVIRONMENT-RIVER-CLIMATE 3D MOTION VIDEOGRAPHIC IN ENGLISH AND FRENCH. INTERNATIONAL VERSION AVAILABLE. REISSUE Still available: BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY AUSTRALIA WILDFIRES DRCONGO MEASLES AFP Videographics Jonathan Storey Tel: +33 (0)1 40 41 48 63 afp