| - We are offering the following Editor's Choice stories which have been selected by AFP's chief editors for re-publication as some of the best of the week: + Science and shamanism: Medicine meets Myanmar's far-flung Naga tribes + No morning coffee at the local bar for Italians under new controls + Moscow highway over radioactive dump sparks 'catastrophe' fears + Tracing wounded body, one Syrian charts course of war + Women bear the brunt of climate change in Angola Myanmar-India-health-minorities-poverty,EDITOR'SCHOICE SATPALAW SHAUNG, Myanmar With Malaria and tuberculosis screening out front and sacrifices to jungle gods out back, health worker Htan Pi and her shaman mother are an unlikely double act in their isolated Myanmar village. 800 words and video by Richard Sargent. Pictures by Ye Aung Thu Health-virus-Italy-coffee,EDITOR'SCHOICE ROME It's not easy being Italian these days. Especially without coffee. For Alessandro, a 30-something businessman in suit and mask in central Rome, an espresso at the local bar in the morning is "indispensable". 550 words by Alexandria Sage. Picture. Video. Live video Russia-nuclear-waste-environment-construction-health-transport,EDITOR'SCHOICE MOSCOW Armed with a selfie stick holding a dosimeter-equipped smartphone, nuclear physicist Andrei Ozharovsky is on the hunt for gamma radiation. 850 words by Maria Antonova. Pictures by Kirill Kudryavtsev. Video by Reza Nourmamode Syria-conflict,EDITOR'SCHOICE DEIR HASSAN, Syria First he lost three fingers, later his hearing in one ear. Then all at once, both his legs and eyes. Ibrahim al-Ali was wounded every time he tried to escape Syria's war. 650 words by Ahmad al-Atrash. Pictures. Video Angola-climate-women,EDITOR'SCHOICE LUBANGO, Angola Tehandjila Quessale's heart sank every time her mother sent her to fetch water for their crops, up in the mountains of Angola's southern Huila region. 850 words by Sofia Christensen. Pictures by Osvaldo Silva. Video by Antoine Demaison afp