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Claim: Meralco said that Pro Electric Saver can help consumers lower their electricity bill by up to 50%.
Why we fact-checked this: As of writing, the altered video containing the claim attracted 590 reactions, 856 comments, and 72,000 views on Facebook.
The bottom line: The video with the claim is an altered video. In the original video, Meralco did not affirm the effectiveness of any energy saving device. Meralco also reminded the public that contrary to the claim, the use of this kind of device can increase one’s electricity bill.
The original video was from a news report of TV Patrol posted on July 9, 2019. On August 12, a similar claim using the same video was fact checked by ABS-CBN.
What the government says: On July 27, the Department of Energy (DOE) posted a public advisory on its official Facebook page denouncing false claims about energy saving devices.
The DOE reminded the public “to be vigilant and report these unscrupulous practices through its Consumer Welfare and Promotion Office.” The DOE said, “As of today, the DOE has yet to find an energy-saving device that can satisfy its claim for efficiency.” – Erick Prynze Sazon/
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