| - FACT CHECK: No, The New York Journal Did Not Claim The Earth Is Flat In 1897
A post shared on Facebook purports the New York Journal argued for the validity of the flat earth theory in 1897.
Verdict: Misleading
This claim is inaccurate. The New York Journal did not validify this theory.
Fact Check:
Theorists who believe in the “flat earth theory” assume the earth is in a disc-like shape surrounded by an icy wall, according to Live Science. A 2017 Public Policy Poll found that approximately one percent of respondents believed the earth was flat, the outlet reported.
The Facebook post claims that the New York Journal published an article that supports the Flat Earth Theory. The article is cited as being published in 1897 and features an image of a flat Earth. “THE EARTH AS DEPICTE DIN THE NEW YORK JOURNAL, JANUARY 31ST 1897, ” the alleged headline reads.
While the article is authentic, it only suggests there are some who would believe this theory true There is no credible news report that suggests the New York Journal argued for the flat earth theory. “The earth is flat,” the title reads. “Enthusiasts who will attempt to prove this very curious theory.”
The article simply shares the beliefs of the people who defend this theory. “In a picture of the earth as these unique theorists believe it to be – or some of them, for they do not all agree the ‘South Pole’ is seen as a wall of ice surrounding the circular earth,” the article reads.
The photo’s caption reads, “If the earth were flat, this is how the school maps would look.” At no point does the New York Journal claim that this theory has any scientific validity nor does it agree with the idea. (RELATED: Does This Photo Show President Biden With Nigerian Presidential Candidate?)
This is not the first time misinformation has been shared on social media. Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim President Joe Biden met with Nigerian Presidential candidate Bola Tinubu.