| - Fact Check: Central Government Is Not Giving Rs 1.5 Lakh to Every Municipality for each covid-19 patient, viral message is fake
The Central Government is not providing Rs 1.5 lakh to every Municipality for each Covid- 19 patient. Expert doctors suggest to seek medical attention in case of corona symptoms as it can turn fatal if untreated.
- By: ameesh rai
- Published: Sep 17, 2020 at 01:57 PM
New Delhi (Vishvas News). A viral post on social media claims the central government is providing Rs 1.5 Lakh for every Municipality for each coronavirus infected patient. The message alleges that due to this reason, many patients with common cold are also admitted falsely as covid-19 patients.
We received this viral message for Fact Check on Fact Checking WhatsApp Chatbot (+91 95992 99372). Vishvas News investigation revealed the claim is fake.
Facebook user Poonam Mishra’s post reads, “All citizens please note, the central government has funded one and half lakh rupees to every municipality and municipality for each corona positive patient… so forcefully municipality admits them to be positive even in case of common cold, fever etc…”
The archived version of the post can be seen here.
Vishvas News first searched the news on the Internet with the necessary keywords (corona patient, Rs. 1,5 lakh, municipal etc.…). We did not find any authentic report that confirms the claim of this viral message that the government is giving Rs 1.5 lakh to the municipalities for every corona patient. In contrast, we found fake alerts from several media houses. One such fake message alert by the Financial Times can be seen here.
In this viral message, municipalities have also claimed to pay Rs 1.5 lakh per corona patient. We contacted Swarn Singh, Deputy Municipal Commissioner of Kanpur Municipal Corporation for clarification. Denying the viral claims, Singh said that the central government is not giving Rs1.5 lakh for Municipal Corporations for every corona patient.
Vishvas News contacted Consultant Doctor Sumit Kumar at Ram Sagar Mishra Combined Covid L-1 Hospital for further verification. Doctor Sumit said that government hospitals are not taking even a single penny from covid-19 patients nor is the Municipal Corporation get any amount for every admitted patient. “The appeal of viral messages is very dangerous that people do not go for tests. If a corona-infected person does not treat his problem, then he is risking himself along with family, neighborhood and society. The recovery rate of corona infection is quite good. There is no need to fear or hide. People should not pay attention to such rumors,” said Kumar.
Social scanning of Facebook user Poonam Mishra who shared the viral message revealed her to support a particular political party.
Conclusion: The Central Government is not providing Rs 1.5 lakh to every Municipality for each Covid- 19 patient. Expert doctors suggest to seek medical attention in case of corona symptoms as it can turn fatal if untreated.
- Claim Review : The central government is providing Rs 1.5 Lakh for every Municipality for each coronavirus infected patient.
- Claimed By : FB Useer Poonam Mishra
- Fact Check : False
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