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Claim: A video showing a parade of military vehicles was taken during the 87th founding anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on December 19, 2022.
The video said that the parade shows the new military equipment of the Philippine military.
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact-checked this: The YouTube video containing the claim has over 2,400 views as of writing.
Not from the Philippines: It’s impossible for the video of a military parade to have been taken at the AFP’s 87th founding anniversary, which happened on December 19, 2022, because the video was first uploaded by YouTube channel Vincent Lai earlier on October 12, 2020.
The YouTube channel that uploaded the video containing the claim also made a huge blunder by using a video clip that showed a landmark that could be easily identified – the military vehicles in the video were passing by the Capitol Singapore shopping mall.
But even without the easily identifiable landmark, the military parade still couldn’t have been taken during AFP’s founding anniversary because it happened in a city street complete with onlookers watching the parade in the background.
A video of the AFP’s 87th anniversary posted by People’s Television Network (PTV) shows that the country’s armed forces did have a parade where its military vehicles were showcased but it was conducted inside Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City. – Lorenz Pasion/
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