| - Last Updated on July 9, 2024 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
A social media post claims that just by doing an exercise one can lose 22 kgs in 35 days. We fact checked and found the claim to be False.
The Claim
An instagram video by the name deepika.grover74 in her video showed how she lost 22 kgs in 35 days just by doing an exercise for 50 times.
We reviewed the claimant page and noticed she has posted numerous videos, each claiming she lost weight by doing just one specific exercise, with a different exercise highlighted in each video.
Fact Check
Is it scientifically possible to lose 22 kgs in 35 days?
Losing 22 kilograms in just 35 days is not scientifically feasible or safe. Healthy weight loss typically ranges from 0.5 to 1 kilogram per week, depending on individual factors such as starting weight, metabolism, and overall health. Rapid weight loss of this magnitude can lead to severe health risks, including muscle loss, nutrient deficiencies, and even organ damage. It’s crucial to aim for sustainable weight loss through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and professional guidance.
Does doing one exercise 50 times help you lose 22 kgs in 35 days?
No, doing one exercise 50 times alone will not help you lose 22 kilograms in 35 days. Sustainable weight loss requires a combination of factors including a balanced diet, regular exercise incorporating various types of workouts, and maintaining a calorie deficit over time. Rapid weight loss of such magnitude is not advisable as it can lead to health risks and is generally not sustainable in the long term. It’s essential to approach weight loss with realistic goals and a comprehensive strategy that promotes overall health and well-being.
According to Hakim Bharmal, a Master Trainer and Contest Prep Coach, “Effective weight loss and improved health require a combination of diverse cardio exercises and a calorie-controlled diet. Integrating activities like running, cycling, or swimming alongside core exercises such as crunches can maximise calorie burn and support weight loss goals. Additionally, incorporating strength training exercises like squats and lunges not only builds muscle but also boosts metabolism, aiding in fat loss and reducing abdominal fat.”
How do uncertified social media influencers use clickbait to influence their audience?
Lots of uncertified social media influencers use clickbait tricks to get more views and likes:
1. Eye-catching Headlines: They use exaggerated or shocking titles to grab your attention.
2. False Promises: They promise something exciting but don’t deliver in their content.
3. Leaving You Hanging: They might not give you all the details to make you want to watch more.
4. Overly Dramatic: They exaggerate emotions or situations to make things seem more intense than they are.
5. Playing with Your Feelings: Using sad or scary stories to make you click.
6. Jumping on Trends: They talk about hot topics to get noticed and stay popular.
These tactics are designed to get clicks and likes, even if it means the content isn’t always truthful or helpful.
Manasi Bandhuni, a sports nutritionist, warns that uncertified dieticians and nutritionists can negatively affect the weight loss market. Without proper credentials, they might mislead individuals with unrealistic promises and unverified methods, risking their health. This undermines the industry’s trustworthiness, promoting misinformation and potentially exploiting people seeking effective weight loss solutions financially.
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