| - A post on Facebook claimed that a white goat in an image taken at the proclamation of Prince Charles as the King of England was meant for sacrifice.
The post
, which was shared on a Facebook page with the name APGA Interactive Forum (AIF Media) on Wednesday, September 15, added that such practice would be criticised if it happened in Africa.
“This is the British carrying a white ram (intended for sacrifice) for the crowning and declaration of Prince Charles as King of England.
This is their ancient tradition and culture (Ọdịnaanị na Omenaanị as we call it).
If this was an African king or Ìgbò chief, our brainwashed Christian brethren will call it idol worship, worshipping Alusi, and paganism.
These are the same people that brought you the “church” and told you that your ways were evil. They deceived you to abandon your ancient ways, only for them to hold unto their own.
See them celebrate their own with pride.
Africa wake up.
~ Chuka Nduneseokwu ,” the post read.
The photo of a white goat at the crowning of Prince Charles as King of England was for sacrifice.
Findings show that the claim is FALSE.
The Fact-CheckHub conducted a Google reverse image search
on the image, revealing that the goat image had been featured on some websites before now.
For instance, KhaleejTimes
and The Australian
had earlier reported about the goat, a mascot named Lance Corporal Shenkin IV, a member of the Third Battalion of The Royal Welsh.
“As Charles was officially proclaimed King in Wales, the marching Third Battalion of The Royal Welsh had a unique member among their ranks – a goat,” Khaleej Times reported.
Further findings revealed that Shenkin IV of the Third Battalion of The Royal Welsh gets a salary, a rank and a regiment number.
What you need to know about Lance Corporal Shenkin IV.
The mascots are often given the traditional names of Dewi, Taffy, Shenkin, and Sospan.
Just like humans who are soldiers, official mascots have a regimental number and rank. They can also be promoted and demoted and receive a salary.
Their salary often goes towards uniforms, accommodation (which often includes a radio and a sofa) and food.
The Royal Welsh have been adopting goats as their mascots since 1775, and each goat has a unique history of how they were acquired.
“At the Battle of Bunker Hill, during the American War of Independence (1775-1783), it is thought that a wild goat came onto the battlefield and led the colour party from the field. The Royal Welsh Fusiliers then adopted the goat as their mascot as it brought them good luck.”
On how a mascot is recruited, The Royal Welsh Museum stated that when a mascot dies, the regiment will write to the Queen (or King) informing her of the loss and request permission to recruit a new mascot, a tradition that started with Queen Victoria.
The next kid goat is selected and trained by the Goat Major.
“This is a special relationship and a full-time role for the Goat Major requiring grooming, exercising, and training the kid on a daily basis,” the museum stated.
Lance Corporal Shenkin IV was recruited and trained in 2018, following the death of Lance Corporal Gwilliam Taffy VI Jenkins.
The photo of a white goat at the crowning of Prince Charles as King of England was for NOT sacrifice. The goat is a mascot named Shenkin IV, a member of the Third Battalion of The Royal Welsh.