What was claimed
Luc Montagnier has said there is no chance for survival for people who receive a Covid-19 vaccine.
Our verdict
There is no evidence he said this.
Luc Montagnier has said there is no chance for survival for people who receive a Covid-19 vaccine.
There is no evidence he said this.
Luc Montagnier has said all vaccinated people will die within two years.
There is no evidence he said this.
It’s been claimed that Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Laureate, has said there is no chance of survival for people who have received a Covid-19 vaccine. Posts sharing this text also claim that all vaccinated people will die within two years.
Professor Montagnier, who led the team that first identified HIV, has expressed views against the Covid-19 vaccination process but there is no evidence he has said they will die within two years or that they have no chance of surviving.
A clip sometimes posted alongside these sorts of claims is a two-minute long excerpt from a longer 11 minute interview with Professor Montagnier which has been translated from French into English.
In the 11 minute French original, Professor Montagnier does not make the claims attributed to him.
There is no evidence we could find which shows he has made these claims anywhere else.
This article is part of our work fact checking potentially false pictures, videos and stories on Facebook. You can read more about this—and find out how to report Facebook content—here. For the purposes of that scheme, we’ve rated this claim as false because there is no evidence Luc Montagnier has said these things.
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