| - A viral post in all Indian languages is being shared with a claim that the Union Cabinet has approved an increase in the retirement age of central government employees from 60 years to 62. The claim said the retirement age increased by 2 years, as approved by the Cabinet.
Retirement Age Increase 2024 रिटायरमेंट आयु में 2 वर्ष की बढ़ोतरी, कैबिनेट बैठक में मिली मंजूरी
— Niyam Upniyam (@NiyamUpniyam) November 15, 2024
The same has been shared here with its impact on young job seekers in the country.
माना कि रिटायरमेंट आयु में दो वर्ष की बढ़ोत्तरी से लाखों कर्मचारियों को फायदा होगा
पर हम युवाओं का क्या जो पहले से बेरोजगार है
उन पर तो बुरा असर होगा न
पहले से भर्तियां ऐसे ही न के बराबर है
इससे तो दो साल तक नई भर्तियां आनी भी कम हो जायेगी
बाकी मौजूदा कर्मचारियों में प्रमोशन…
— Archana Patel (@archanapatel__) November 17, 2024
Translated from Hindi, it reads:”It is believed that increasing the retirement age by two years will benefit millions of employees. But what about us youth who are already unemployed? It will have a bad effect on them. Already the recruitments are negligible. Due to this, new recruitments will also reduce for two years. There will also be delay in promotions for the rest of the existing employees.”
It can be accessed here and here.
A search for any announcement from the Government of India in recent days yielded no results since the Government of India has not issued any statement or announcement in this regard. Since the issue bears impact on lakhs of Central Government employees in terms increased period to continue in job or decline in promotional avenues, it would have made headlines in news outlets. But no such announcement has been made.
Further search revealed that the Press Information Bureau (PIB) of the Government of India has clarified that the government has not made any such decision to raise the retirement age of central government employees.
सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो रहे खबरों में दावा किया जा रहा है कि भारत सरकार ने केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों की रिटायरमेंट आयु में 2 साल की वृद्धि करने का निर्णय लिया है#PIBFactCheck
❌ यह दावा फर्जी है
✅ भारत सरकार ने ऐसा कोई निर्णय नहीं लिया है
⚠️ बिना सत्यता जांचे खबरें साझा न करें
— PIB Fact Check (@PIBFactCheck) November 19, 2024
Further search revealed that in August 2023, the government confirmed in the Lok Sabha that there was no such proposal under its consideration to increase the retirement age of central government employees, barring exceptions which are considered on case-by-case basis.
Hence, the claim is false and misleading.
Claim: The Union Cabinet has approved proposal to increase the retirement age of Central Government employees from 60 years to 62.
Conclusion: Misleading. PIB of Government of India clarified that there was no such proposal and the claim is false.
Rating: Misleading —