How a Syrian YouTuber Fooled Supporters of the Ous...
Saturday 25th January - Fraud
Dirar Khattab Monday 01st April 2019
French news website Monte Carlo published report yesterday saying “ruling AKP party candidate killed 2 Saadat Party member in front of polling station” and talked about a crime happened in front of polling station in east Turkey yesterday.
The report contradicts the title as it says that the suspect is the nephew of the AKP candidate not the candidate himself.
The incident happened on Sunday morning in Puturge city in Malatya province causing the death of 2 people before the police arrested 4 suspects according to a statement issued by Malatya governor.
On the other side, the leader of Saadet Party “Temel Karamoglu” said on Twitter that the victims are members of his party and the suspect is the nephew of the AKP candidate, media outlets said Turkish president Erdogan called Mr. Karamoglu and offered his condolence.
Malatya Pütürge'de AK Parti adayının yeğeninin saldırısı sonucu biri sandık görevlisi diğeri müşahit iki partilimiz vefat etmiştir. Yaşanan olay basit bir husumet değil, sandık başında açık oy kullandırılmak istenmiş ve bu duruma itiraz eden müşahitlerimiz katledilmiştir.— Temel Karamollaoğlu (@T_Karamollaoglu) ٣١ مارس ٢٠١٩
Worth to mention that the latest counting of the ballots indicates that ruling AKP won 40 municipalities not including Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul while CHP won 20 provinces and the AKP-ally MHP won 11 as HDP won 8 only.