| - A set of photos from Malaysia showing mould on leather goods like shoes, bags and jackets is viral as India. The photos are being shared with claims drawing attention to the damaged products and advising people to avoid shopping at malls, post the lockdown.
The image is being shared as governments in India's third phase of lockdown, are easing restrictions and allowing opening of shops, provided safety measures are in place. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 12, in an address to the nation announced phase four of the lockdown, with details to be released on May 18.
In the photos, several leather products like purses, belts, and shoes kept on display in a shop can be seen covered in mould and dust. The photos are being shared in India, with the caption advising people to avoid visiting malls for a month after the lockdown has ended. The caption do not specify the the photos are from Malaysia and also claim that breathing in the air at the mall could cause respiratory issues and there would fungus accumulation in the vents.
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Journalist Rohini Singh had quote tweeted the above tweet linking it to the lockdown in India by claiming that shops would be able to safely store products, if they had had advance warning and time to prepare for the lockdown.
Singh later deleted her tweet.
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We searched with the same caption on Facebook and found that the post with the images is viral.
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A reverse image search on the photo showed results for news reports stating that the images were taken at a store in Sabah, Malaysia. The reports said the store employees found the products mouldy and damaged when they reopened the store, following the end of the Movement Control Order issued by the government. The Malaysian government, to fight the Coronavirus pandemic issued a Movement Control Order on March 18, 2020, shutting non essential shops has since May 4, 2020, eased several restriction including allowing shops to resume business.
The news reports mentioned that the incident was from the Metrojaya store in Suria Sabah and that the photos were taken by the staff for internal use.
BOOM found a statement issued by the store on its Facebook page, confirming the incident and the photos.
"There are various reasons how the goods came to be in that condition and we are still the process of investigating this. All damaged goods have now been removed from our shelves and replaced with new stocks," read the statement.
The store posted several other images and videos of workers cleaning and disinfecting the place which is set to reopen on May 13, 2020.
The ease in curbs in Malaysia came in on May 4, 2020, allowing the majority of businesses to resume operations after partially easing of restrictions imposed to contain COIVD-19. However, Malaysia will extend its relaxed lockdown which was to end on May 12, 2020 by four weeks till June 9, 2020, allowing nearly all economic activities to continue while keeping its borders shut and schools closed.
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