| - Three Greek ministers on Thursday said they were self-quarantining after meeting an investor who has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Development Minister Adonis Georgiadis and his deputy Nikos Papathanassis said they had gone home pending tests, cancelling plans to travel with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to port city Thessaloniki later Thursday. Their ministry was closed for disinfection and will reopen Monday, state agency ANA said. Shipping minister Ioannis Plakiotakis also said he was self-quarantining after meeting the investor, whom he identified as Israeli, on Wednesday. "All precautions were taken during the meeting, we had masks and kept a safe distance, but you never know," he told news site newsit. With 273 deaths from Covid-19, Greece has suffered less from the virus than other European countries. But the infection rate accelerated in August, with more than half of Greece's 10,500 cases being recorded in that month alone. Authorities have blamed the spike in infections on the flouting of social distancing rules in restaurants, bars and public gatherings. jph/tgb