| - Belgium will close schools, cancel all cultural events and shutter bars and restaurants to stave off the spread of the coronavirus outbreak, the government said on Thursday. Announced by Prime Minister Sophie Wilmes after a meeting of the national security council, the measures will come into force at midnight on Saturday (2300 GMT on Friday). "This is not a lockdown," Wilmes said. "We want to avoid situations like Italy. These measures must prevent lockdowns." The closure of schools at national level will be effective until April 3, the day before the Easter holidays, effectively keeping students out of school for a month. The government said that parents with no option for child care would be helped by authorities. This was an effort to avoid citizens resorting to retired people, the age group most vulnerable to the virus. "The idea is not for children to be looked after by their grandparents," she said. Nurseries or creches can remain open, Wilmes added. Beginning Saturday, only stores that provide essential services -- such as pharmacies and grocery stores-- will remain open under normal conditions. All other stores will remain open during the week, but closed at weekends. The government asked Belgians to work from home as much as possible. Wilmes said those heading to the office should stagger their shifts to keep public transport uncongested. If followed, Wiles said the measures could allow Belgium to avoid an uncontrollable epidemic such as seen in Italy, where more than 1,000 people have died. arp/ach