| - A 15-year-old Malian girl on Tuesday urged the UN Security Council to protect children in war zones, lest they suffer "enormous" consequences. Her warning came after Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last week removed the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen and the Myanmar armed forces from a list of groups violating children's rights. "Make decisions, act to ensure that other children don't find themselves in the same situation as Mohamed," said Mariam during a council video conference, recounting the story of war-related trauma suffered by a Malian boy. Born in the country's central Mopti region, Mohamed became an orphan after his parents were murdered and was forcibly recruited by an armed group when he was just 10 years old. He was made to participate in the massacre of a family before deciding to flee. "The consequences of wars and conflicts on children are enormous," making them become violent, thieves, alcoholics or drug addicts, Mariam said, speaking in a loud, clear voice. Testimony from children and teens is rare at meetings of the Security Council, whose rotating presidency is held by France in June. "What are you doing so that (the) abducted children are found and reunited with their families?" Mariam asked, also noting that many boys and girls are rape victims. "There is an urgent need for justice in order to prevent victims from growing up and wanting to take matters into their own hands," added Mariam, who is a member of the Children's Parliament of Mali and wants to become a lawyer to fight for children's rights. The Council meeting was organized to discuss the controversial latest report from Guterres regarding children in conflict zones. The move regarding Yemen and Myanmar was heavily criticized by NGOs, which called on the UN chief to reconsider his decision. prh/to/bfm