| - US President Joe Biden said Friday in a major foreign policy speech that the struggle worldwide between democracy and autocracy is at an "inflection point." "In too many places, including in Europe and the United States, democratic progress is under assault," Biden was to tell the Munich Security Conference, according to excerpts of his speech released by the White House. "Historians will examine and write about this moment. It's an inflection point. And I believe with every ounce of my being that democracy must prevail." The speech to the annual conference -- held by video link, due to the Covid-19 pandemic -- lays out Biden's vision for a return of the United States to its traditional role as leading defender of democratic values. Speaking shortly after a virtual summit with other leaders from the G7 group of powerful democracies, Biden was also to stress renewed US commitment to alliances, in contrast to the starkly competitive, confrontational approach of his predecessor Donald Trump. "Our partnerships have endured and grown through the years because they are rooted in the richness of our shared democratic values. They're not transactional. They're not extractive," Biden says in his speech, in clear reference to Trump's emphasis on treating of longtime allies in the G7 and elsewhere as economic rivals. In the excerpts released ahead of the speech, there is no direct mention of Russia or China but references to the global tussle between democratic and autocratic systems leave little doubt that Biden has them in his sights. "We are in the midst of a fundamental debate about the future direction of our world," Biden says. "Between those who argue that -- given all of the challenges we face, from the fourth industrial revolution to a global pandemic -- autocracy is the best way forward and those who understand that democracy is essential to meeting those challenges." "We must demonstrate that democracies can still deliver for our people. That is our galvanizing mission. Democracy doesn't happen by accident," Biden says. "We have to defend it. Strengthen it. Renew it. We have to prove that our model isn't a relic of our history." sms/ft