| - The Vatican has sanctioned a retired Polish bishop for covering up the sexual abuse of children by clergymen, the Krakow archdiocese said on Friday. The Vatican "conducted proceedings concerning the reported negligence of Bishop Tadeusz Rakoczy in cases of sexual abuse committed by some clergy against minors," it said in a statement. The case is the latest to hit the senior ranks of the Polish Catholic Church in recent months. Rakoczy will no longer be allowed to take part in any public events including religious ceremonies and cannot attend future meetings of Polish bishops. He must lead "a life in the spirit of penitence and prayer" and donate money to a special foundation for assisting abuse victims, the statement said. In May, Pope Francis accepted the resignation of a bishop for covering up abuses and, in March, Polish prosecutors were handed similar claims against a close associate of late pope John Paul II, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, and three other bishops. The Vatican last year sanctioned 97-year-old Polish cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz, who has since died. Also last year, the Vatican announced the resignation of bishop Edward Janiak for cover-ups. Slawoj Leszek Glodz, the archbishop of Gdansk known for his high-flying lifestyle and love of luxury, resigned last year following accusations that he had harassed priests and been silent on abuse claims. Polish bishops have been summoned to the Vatican later this year for an urgent meeting which could include abuse cases, Polish media have reported. The Conference of Polish Bishops has said it is only a regular visit after a similar one in 2014. bo/dt/amj