| - Who said what at Wimbledon on Monday, the first day of the 2021 tournament at the All England Club: "I went to the toilet. It was just a number one." -- Andy Murray with too much information on how he spent the time waiting for the Centre Court roof to close in his win over Nikoloz Basilashvili. "There have been times that I was much more motivated than this. But that's no reason for me not to play well." -- Greek third seed Stefanos Tsitsipas after his first round loss to Frances Tiafoe. "Novak for me is much of an inspiration. He's one of the greatest players of all time. He's a great role model for any young player. I was glad to share the court with him." -- Jack Draper, the 253rd-ranked Briton who took a set off world number one and five-time champion Novak Djokovic. "I try to have as much fun as I can out there, put smiles on guys' faces. Obviously try to compete my ass off. At the end of the day, when I'm done with the game, I want people to say it was great entertainment to watch Frances Tiafoe. He's a great guy first and a tennis player second." -- Frances Tiafoe "Why not? Why not? I'm not in the committee of Wimbledon, so I don't make those decisions. But why not? Of course, that would be nice to see. They deserve it. I will be in favour for it." -- Novak Djokovic open to the idea of having women open play on the first day on Centre Court rather than the men's champion. "Even though we're in a bubble, it doesn't feel like it because the hotel is really, really big. Basically I'm eating a lot, doing some LEGOs." -- Poland's former French Open champion Iga Swiatek on life in the Wimbledon hotel bubble. "Both of my grandmas are massive gardeners. I guess it took a little while to kind of get the plant itch, but COVID was not great for me since I had so much time at home and I just kept buying plants. My boyfriend was basically every day, he's, like, You can't keep buying more plants. And I was, like, Well, there's space, so I guess I can." -- Madison Keys on her green-fingers afp