| - Britain will know by the end of May who paid for the lavish refurbishment of Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Downing Street flat, his new ethics adviser said Thursday, as the controversy over the renovation roils his government. The independent adviser's review is one of several probes under way into the refurbishment, which reportedly cost tens of thousands of pounds. Christopher Geidt was appointed as the government's adviser on ministerial standards a fortnight ago, five months after his predecessor quit when Johnson refused to fire Home Secretary Priti Patel over a finding that she had bullied her officials. The last register of ministerial interests dates from July 2020, and Geidt said he was "determined that it should be published by the end of this month". "The publication of the list of interests will include the prime minister," he told a House of Commons committee, noting that his remit included reviewing "the circumstances of the refurbishment of the flat at Downing Street". Therefore any outside donations that Johnson received to pay for the refurbishment would be revealed as part of the new register, Geidt said. Johnson insists he paid for it himself, but has refused to answer questions over whether he failed to declare an initial donation from a Conservative Party backer. Britain's Electoral Commission, which regulates party and election finance, last month launched a formal investigation after finding "reasonable grounds to suspect that an offence or offences may have occurred". The commission has powers to demand the repayment of questionable donations and levy fines -- or ultimately refer investigations to the police for criminal prosecution. Geidt faced a grilling from MPs on whether he was truly independent of Johnson, who retains the power of judge and jury over any of the adviser's investigations into cabinet ministers including himself. Geidt is firmly an establishment figure: a former army officer and diplomat, he was private secretary to Queen Elizabeth II for 10 years to 2017, and sits in the House of Lords. John McDonnell of the main opposition Labour party noted that until last month, Geidt sat on the advisory board of BAE Systems, "a company that has plumbed the depths of unethical behaviour" in foreign arms deals. Geidt said he was "proud" of his work ensuring British armed forces are well equipped, and said he would not hesitate "to speak truth unto power". Labour tried in recent weeks to make political capital out of the Downing Street "wallpapergate" affair and other allegations of "sleaze" under Johnson. But last week, the Conservatives triumphed in local and regional elections in England, making further inroads into Labour strongholds. jit/phz/ach